KnitOasis Knitters...OK?

Knitting groups are fun! It's a chance for knitters of all ages and skill-levels to gather and well, knit. There's always a lot of encouragement, usually some commiseration, and show and tell is a must. We stitch, we swap knitting stories, we catch up on life. We eat and drink (and this varies depending on location and time of day) as needed to keep our strength up for the tasks at hand. 

I have hosted knitting groups for years and every so often they get tweaked. Due to a change in the schedule of my favorite son, it's time to tweak knitting group again. For July and August, Monday Morning Knitters will still meet (July will be second Monday, due to Independence Day and August will be first Monday as usual), but starting in September, get ready for.....

KnitOasis Knitters-Wednesday A.M.


That's right--we're moving to first Wednesday mornings (still 10-11:30 am)(still at Panera). We'll still have knitting (crocheting, etc), coffee, conversation, and I'm going to just go ahead and officially make "occasional charity project" part of our description.

Dates for KO-K: WAM  for 2016: 





Then.... one evening a month we'll have KO-K: After Hours, formerly known as Knit Night. The locations and evenings will vary so keep an eye on the Facebook events page for scheduling. 

Until September, please plan to join us for the last two MMK meetings--July 11 and August 1.

Both MMK and KO-K: WAM will meet at

Panera Bread
1070 International Blvd
N. Charleston